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It Never Happened Before

Planet earth is witnessed for many outbreaks, but the situation like lockdown and the social distances never witnessed by the planet before. the restriction to traveling around the public places even for the temples, churches, and mosques never happened before. 

Photo by Anna Shvets from Pexels

It Never Happened Before

Planet earth is witnessed for many outbreaks, but the situation like lockdown and the social distances never witnessed by the planet before. the restriction to traveling around the public places even for the temples, churches, and mosques never happened before. 

closed shops, restriction on public areas, social distancing, use of sanitizers on plenty of times never happened before. as we witness to the era of the pandemic outbreak which even restricted us from all gatherings. I hope we are in touch with our colleagues and friends through social media and other paths. so, even we have some chances to communicate among us otherwise persons who habitually not even stayed in the home instead of for taking sleep at night, caught and restricted to staying with family. 

The majority of peoples even working from their home like me, many of following their passions, some of giving time to their families and children. I even staying with family for more than a month after ten years. many of my online friends are taking online classes through the webinars by zoom.

I think it is a good time to learn something new in this pandemic condition because we know, we didn't have time in whole life because of a busy schedule of life

therefore start learning something new in the pandemic era.

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