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Something like this

In this heart with the sweet smell,
My mother-in-law will be with me
This is how a relationship with life becomes
Something like this becomes a habit. ....

Something like this

In this heart with the sweet smell,
My mother-in-law will be with me
This is how a relationship with life becomes
Something like this becomes a habit. ....

Stay the same
Stop thinking and stand,
Come into the law, coming from the flowing wind,
Get used to something like this…

Oh my life,
Young people are stopped,
Before Mom passed away, be in me,
Get used to something like this…

 Become like me,
 Become like me,
Can't go back,
Follow the path of paradise even in life,
Stay drunk in me and you also drown in me,
Get used to something like this ....
Get used to something like this ……

Poetry is auto translate version of Hindi Poem - à¤•ुछ इस तरह

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