The story of the alchemist is the journey of the enthusiastic young boy named Santiago, and how he followed his dream of destination place that is - Pyramids of Giza and the treasure under it.
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The Alchemist - A shepherd boy who dreams of traveling the world and discovering treasures...
The story of the alchemist is the journey of the enthusiastic young boy named Santiago, and how he followed his dream of destination place that is - Pyramids of Giza and the treasure under it.
As the story begins with the village life of Santiago the shepherd boy and his struggle for lives, strongly believing a recurring dream to be prophetic. and therefore he started to find out the meaning of it. he explained the meaning to the one of Gypsy fortune teller, and the Gypsy woman interprets the dream as a prophecy telling the boy that he will discover a treasure at the Egyptian pyramids.
and the story going on, and how the shepherd boy accomplished his dream.
for the detailed story download the pdf version of the book
Story Courtesy - Wikipedia
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