The teenager Greta Thunberg started to raise the voice for the environmental issues and the role of current self-proclaimed great leaders for humanity and the coming generations of the living beings. The role of the leaders is suspected and most of the leaders are only thinking about their own political futures instead of doing something for the environment.
There is No Planet B
The teenager Greta Thunberg started to raise the voice for the environmental issues and the role of current self-proclaimed great leaders for humanity and the coming generations of the living beings. The role of the leaders is suspected and most of the leaders are only thinking about their own political futures instead of doing something for the environment.
The irregular mining of the natural resources in the jungle areas also creasing due to the political agenda of governments, as many of the projects or tenders always kept in the pockets of the persons who funding the ruling party. This Swedish environmental activist gained to focus on this topic.
As many studies proved that if we do not stop to undersized the environment, we will facing an existential crisis from climate change. If we have to have pay big value for it, in a way of life.
On the voice with the Greta, many people gathered to support her campaign of saving the environment.
And as a good human being, it is our responsibility to save the environment and the natural resources like jungles, and give freedom to the wild animal also, as planet earth is not the patrimony of humans. And we should support the Greta for her valuable initiation for us.
Thank you for your response. It will help us to improve in the future.