After watching the thumbnail of the article, people will widely open their eyes by seeing naked women or blowing boom on their heads. But whatever peoples think in their dirty minds, is it applicable to the men who are living within tribal cultures?
Tribes – The Uplifted Culture
After watching the thumbnail of the article, a person's eyes will widely open by seeing naked women or blowing boom on their heads. But
whatever peoples think in their dirty minds, is it applicable to the men who
are living within tribal cultures?
Here’s, you will get many answers which won’t reveal
Are tribal
communities impregnated with sexuality as they eventually not wearing clothes?
The answer is “NO”, there is not sexuality impregnated
among the tribe's communities even they are not wearing clothes, the reason is
that, because they are surrounded by the peoples who are always not
wearing clothes or negligible clothes only to hide their private parts. As they
are always surrounded by the persons with the naked body the sexual pleasures of knowing
about the opposite sex persons are negligible, therefore the persons who living
within the tribal communities of secluded groups not sexually ill and to attract
towards the opposite sex. Therefore, there are no questions of impregnation of
the sexuality within the tribal community as we have seen in the urban communities.
What are the good aspects of tribal culture?
The good aspects of the tribal community are, they are
still using natural sources for their essential needs as of date, therefor
the primitive knowledge of surviving between the climatic conditions is better
then many of us. As Natural Inhabitant of the jungles, they are aware of the
secrets of nature, like many of naturally occurring medicines and the
ingredients which are the great sources of protein or the essential minerals.
The disadvantage of this natural inhabitant is, still date
of the modern era they are struggling for basic needs.
But in many countries Governments are working good
on an individual basis, even the UNESCO working together to keep them preserved
their culture but aware them about their rights in the modern era, and therefore
new generations of the many tribal communities are taking modern education now and
trying to step up forward.
Why the tribes still not wearing cotton clothes?
As of date many of us are not aware of the tribal
communities better than me, as I am belonging to the tribal community therefore
I have known the basic things about us. Yes, there are certain communities they are
still not wearing clothes or wearing only negligible clothes. But the
reality is different, the primitive communities which are still staying in the
deep jungles of the area, are still attached to the cultural things and the
rituals. But due to the modernization and spreading of the good governance
within many countries’ governments started working on the tribal areas and that
is why more percentage of the new generation started wearing modern clothes along
with modern education and jobs too.
All the tribal community having natural gene of the strong
body and a better community along with the sharp brain.
Therefore there are many examples of the athletics
which are belongs to the tribal communities and by giving them an opportunity and
proper guidance they keep growing their names of the world.
e.g. – Merry Com (Women Boxing), Hina Das
(Women Running),….. etc these are the
few examples of tribe of India.
Why the tribal culture in pure and natural culture?
As still date of the modernization,
tribal communities are living in the jungles except for the new generation and therefore
they still depend on the natural resources for their most of basic need. Even in
this era of the science and technology they taking treatment by themselves by
the medicinal plants.
As one secret I have to reveal
you here, tribes which are still living in natural inhabitants, are aware of
the medicines or the natural ingredients which are using for the broken bone or
the fracture of bones, and within weeks your bones would be successfully joined.
Unique Modern Civilizations –
Tribes are not by
technologically modern but by culturally rich as they did not discriminate any
women in history and even in most of the tribal cultures are based upon matriarchy
culture and emerge tribe dynamics culture within the society of jungles.
The tribe in India
and tribe in Africa might be genetically similar as Indian tribes are
migrants of Africa only, because of the cultural traces.
Tribe called quest as they
are filled with the knowledge of nature.
Thank you for your response. It will help us to improve in the future.