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Free Vipassana Meditation - The Forgotten Way of Meditation Free Vipassana Meditation - The Forgotten Way of Meditation

Meditation is the way of self-realization which increases self-consciousness and Opens the Doors of New World

Free Vipassana Meditation - The Forgotten Way of Meditation Free Vipassana Meditation - The Forgotten Way of Meditation
Photo by Le Minh Phuong on Unsplash

Meditation is the way of self-realization which increases self-consciousness and concentration of the person. There are various ways of meditation techniques which described in many scripters. The modern and best way of meditation is Vipassana as I personally experienced last year. For relieving the working stress, and mental stress it works effectively and after the practice of it, you will realize that you met yourself first time in life with full of consciousness.  

Here are the few FAQ about this meditation technique which gives you all the answers to your questions-


What is the Meaning and History of the Vipassana meditation? What Vipassana Meditation?

The meaning of the Vipassana is “see the things as they really are”, means the meditation technique helps you to awaken your consciousness to get self-realization. This is one of the most ancient techniques of the meditation of India, which is discovered by Buddha and spread around the world. Which treats the illness of the mind, and rediscover yourself on a micro basis. This technique eradicates the mental impurities and consequently gives the feeling of the supreme happiness of full liberation.

This Forgotten technique is re-founded by Mr. S.N. Goenka, and started the Vipassana Meditation Centre in various locations.  Click to Know about the Vipassana.

What are the advantages of learning Vipassana Meditation?

Vipassana Meditation helps the person to change the way of thinking by the self-transformation through self-observation. Many eminent personalities are doing it to get control over the things by themselves and work effectively which high percentage of performance.

Vipassana Meditation helps to interconnect the mind and body, which directly helps to build yourself by your own way as you want, which relieves the laziness of the mind and helps to developed the learning ability.

Vipassana meditation helps to control the thoughts, and gives exposures to our mind to give our 100% in any work.

Vipassana Meditation helps to make a balance between the relationships which affect the mental stability of the persons.

By the self-realization, self-control over the mind and body you can build your personality much stronger than the ever was. 

How to learn Vipassana Meditation?

Photo by Pixabay from Pexels

For learning the Vipassana Meditation, the Centre of Vipassana Meditation helps you to get knowledge and practical experience about this technique. There are many courses are available for learning this technique.

1) One Day Group Sitting
2) 3 Days Course
3) 10 Days Course
4) 30 days Course

But the most recommended course for the beginners are the 10 Days Course. Which improve their practical experience, build the will power to rejuvenate again, and get the new technique to get control over themselves.

What will be the cost of the course?

Luckily this course is fully free of cost, just wanted to bring your own desires to learn the Vipassana Meditation technique.

Why the course does not cost?

The main aim is, the Vipassana Centres are not found for making money by teaching this ancient technique but they think it is their responsibility to spread the Vipassana Meditation to clears the impurities of human minds and build humanity on its own pinnacle.  

What Vipassana Centre Provides to you?

Vipassana Meditation centers provides all the basic need to the candidates, which includes -
Cot, Bed, Break-Fast, Meal…etc,

And All the Vipassana Centres are fully furnished with all the basic need suits to any accommodation.

Click Here to get “ANSWERS”

How to enroll for the Course?

Photo by Samuel Silitonga from Pexels

For enrolment of the course you have to fill the form from the official site of the Vipassana Centre, then fill out all the details, your course, medium of language, location, etc.

For Enrolment Click Here – “Enrolment”

What are the centers Locations?

Vipassana Centres now available worldwide, as it has many centers in India.
Click on the location to get the information about the location-

Vipassana Meditation in the USA?

Here is the list of Vipassana Centre in the USA, which mentions the location of centers and as for it you have to enroll from their official site.

Click here to get Locations in the USA

Click here to get “Enrol in the USA”

Why the Vipassana is not available online?

The technique of Vipassana meditation is not available online to the beginner, as a beginner it quite difficult and dangerous to get practice yourself by own, because you can’t get the pure form of technique, as the online form for the beginners is like DIY. Once you learn the technique of Vipassana Meditation then you can practice by yourself, and the videos of the online platform will help you to guide properly because of some of important information about the meditation is only revealed to the candidates of the course during the course only, which affects the effectiveness of the practice.

Vipassana old students can practice meditation by the android application of the technique.

Here is the official android application of the vipassana practice –

Vipassana Meditation Android App – Download

 Vipassana Meditation App Store – "Download"

Is it possible to practice Vipassana Meditation at Home?

Yes, after learning from the course you can easily practice yourself, or otherwise, you can use the android application of the Vipassana Meditation.

Vipassana Yoga?

Vipassana Yoga is the synonym of the Vipassana Meditation only, as Yoga practice contains the simple breathing technique for meditation, the Vipassana Meditation is the advance technique of that.
 I highly recommended to everyone, please be there in Vipassana Centre nearer to you and learn this technique before you die, otherwise you will miss the Great Opportunity of Life to Get Self-Realization.

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