The story of Vikramaditya and Betal is a spellbinding story, as the named the Stories of Vikram and the Betal is referred to as Betal Pachisi. As the name itself indicates that it contains 25 stories in between and all the stories are spellbinding irrespective of ages.
Vikram & Betal - Spellbinding Stories
The story of Vikramaditya and Betal is a spellbinding story, as the named the Stories of Vikram and the Betal is referred to as Betal Pachisi. As the name itself indicates that it contains 25 stories in between and all the stories are spellbinding irrespective of ages.
The story of Vikram-Betal begins with, king Vikramaditya i.e. Vikrama promises to the tantric Vamachari that, King will catch Betal who generally hangs upside on the tree and who inhabits and animates dead bodies. and the story started.
As per the promise at night Vikrama started walking toward the tree on which Betala hangs upside, the for the catch of Betal one condition he had to follow i.e. she should not utter single words from his mouth.
After an interval of time, when Vikramaditya came near the tree and capture the Betal, and tote him on back. as he started to return towards the destination, Betal started to explain the story with one condition that he would not utter a single word from his mouth, and if he uttered, Betal would be released and went bank to his inhabited place.
As Betal started with the story Vikram beings to hear it properly and did not utter the single word in between the story, but after the ending of the story Betal certainly asked one question to Vikrama, by without thinking he started answering it, after explaining the answer which was correct one, Betal released himself from his back and flew toward the tree,
In the whole of Betal Pachisi, there are 25 stories explained by the Betal to the Vikrama, and as each story, Vikrama attempted 25 times and succeeded in caught Betal in after 25th story.
This the whole extract of the story of Vikrama-Betal.
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