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Last Celebration Before Corona

As social distancing and the lockdown stated in-country by the 22nd march 2020, and Indians missed so many religious-based festivals like New Year Celebration Like Gudhi Padva, Navratri, Lahori, etc. and many more festivals which are not known to me.

Photo by Yogendra Singh from Pexels

Last celebration before corona 

As social distancing and the lockdown stated in-country by the 22nd march 2020, and Indians missed so many religious-based festivals like New Year Celebration Like Gudhi Padva, Navratri, Lahori, etc. and many more festivals which are not known to me.

But the people of India got the opportunity to celebrate the festival of Holi before the lockdown and social distancing followed by the people.

As many people played the Holi as a color of joy and enjoyed with family and friends. This was the last celebration of the people from the Hindu community, not only Hindu but more of the Indians as it is not restricted to any community.

Now, the holy month Ramzan is going on and people belong to the Muslim community following it in the condition of the pandemic outbreak of the coronavirus. 

The festival of Holi does not seem to be the last celebration for the Indians as people celebrated the corona festival with the PM Modi by playing the pots, bell, and lightening the lamps.

The facts like this shown us we Indians are able to celebrate on the opposite conditions also, this is called the positivity and we have more than enough. 

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