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Mobile Apps - Which Upgrade the way of Story Telling - "Audible & StoryTel"

Photo by Lena-Kudryavtseva on Unsplash

New Way of StoryTelling of Modern Era

Many of us always habituated to the story hearing since from childhood, not only from our childhood but from the ancient man's childhood. Since from the begging of human societies, for entertainment purposes, man is doing many things as Leisurely by stories, songs, plays, and many more. 

The experience of story hearing is one of them, as, in old ages family members like a grandmother, mother always used to tell stories to the children, but as the technology change, many things changed with the time, even no exception for the storytelling or fairytales.

But the human is the bread, who always upgrade themselves and live with the new world. Therefore, as per the modern world, the experience of storytelling is also changed. and the new applications like Storytel and Audible replaces the grandmother, mother, and teachers and advanced the experience of the story hearing.

Here is the simple comparison of the storytelling applications, which are available on Google Play Store, and offers you to enter in the world of StoryTelling, with creative background music and spellbinding stories.  

Simple Comparison Between StoryTel & Audible

Compared Topic
Storytel: Audiobooks and E-books

Audible Audiobooks: Stories & Audio Entertainment

 Original  App

Current Version

 Varies with device



Regular Basis

Regular Basis




Offered By

Storytel Sweden AB

Audible, Inc



What are the Advantages of the StoryTelling Applications or AudioBooks?

Here are the beneficial advantages of the new generation of audiobooks,

  1. Hear-Whenever we want
  2. Creative Background Music Opens Window for Imaginary World
  3. It Has Spellbinding Effect
  4. Heals the Experience of reading 
  5. Easy to Understand
  6. Make interest in new findings 
  7. Changed the experience of learning 
  8. The application includes - many more things according to personal interest 

Brief About The Advantages

Hear-Whenever we want

Applications of the audiobooks are easy to handle, as they are available in the form of mobile apps, so whenever we want, we can easily access them. No Time limit for the audiobooks, hears whenever you want, whatever you want.

Creative Background Music Opens Window for Imaginary World

All the audiobooks contain creative ravishable music, give you the experience you ever experienced and helps you to improve your capacity to learn to know more. The Back Ground music of the stories will carry you in the situations of the stories. The music which plays between the story enhances your experience with feeling the things that is happening in the story. 

It Has Spellbinding Effect

The overall experience of the new audiobooks has a spellbinding effect, which never ever experienced by you. I personally experienced that, the books which I wanted to read, I delayed it because of shortage of time and my own laziness, I finished two of them in only two days, and regrets for missing the world-class knowledge of them I didn't experience before. 

Heals the Experience of reading 

As I gave the above examples, which really helps you to improve the ability of yours and you can easily finish one audiobook a day, even in traveling or between the physical workout or kitchen stuffs. 

Easy to Understand

Many occasions when we ready by ourselves it not easy to understand the things by own, but the experience of the audiobooks help you to improve that experience and easily remove your hesitation of pronunciations.

Make interest in new findings 

As soon as you finish one audiobook, you can easily use to with the experience of it and you will start to find out the things regards your interest, and which prove your learning ability. 

Changed the experience of learning 

Many audiobooks of self-help are finding to be easy to learn many things, or it can help you to guide as a teacher. This is a kind of visual teacher for you.

The application includes - many more things according to personal 


Both the above-mentioned audiobooks contain many subtopics and you can choose it by your interest, which includes - Self-Help, Horror, Biographies, Novels, Stories, History, Science-Fiction..etc.

Thank you for reading this article. 

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