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Struggle for Bread & Butter

The labor class of India is enchanted for the bread and butter as they lost their jobs in the pandemic outbreak of corona.

Photo by Yogendra Singh from Pexels

The labor class of India is enchanted for the bread and butter as they lost their jobs in the pandemic outbreak of corona. but if we see the capacity of these people you will beat your head to the wall, as they still quiet. But it would not be like this if they struggle more for the bread and butter. 

Photo by Mumtahina Rahman from Pexels

Governments of all the states did not take any action in the past few days for the labor class, and therefore they started to go towards their home on their own. because they know if they could not take the way of a home or the village they would not survive in the future. but still, people expecting that they should stay in the areas wherever they are. but the expectations like this are only hypocrisy of a certain class of people to expecting like this. as they are staying safe in their homes and saying that people of labor class also do the same even they not filled with the paddy grain in their hands.  how poor mentality people have.

The government has given instructions to the masters of the companies to give salaries to the employees, but is it possible to give money to the employees? as masters in India only expecting that employees should have to work more than the expected hours in the same salary or wages, the government expecting to give extra money to the employees. No way, it can't be possible in India. and no one will raise the voice on it. after all, it is the questions of bread and butter of labor class not a so-called modern urban class. 

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