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The need for social distancing from social media is the need for time….

As many of us are regularly using the social media platform and along with me the major source of getting information is social media only.
Photo by Faulex from Pexels

As many of us are regularly using the social media platform and along with me the major source of getting information is social media only. But the day when I realized that the accountability of social media posts and surety of reliability of any post is not lies with exact person, then I’ll surely create a problem with the Indian society and social media lost credibility from my mind.

       Even we have rich cultural society (only as per manuscripts) but it does not seem to be matured as most of the first generation mobile user (newly comes on the online social platform) comes from the background with the rural, uneducated and blind faith educated morons spreads unethical propaganda of ingratitude bosses. The morons who are spreading the communal propagandas are also undivided part of our society, but they have given their brain to their masters and engaged themselves into hidden hypnotism of the religion which gives them the power to make blind faith in things even that are not possibly to be present.

Advantages of Blind morons –
Whenever you will see the social media platforms, you will easily find the posts which are likely to be enjoyable for anyone who is with the presence of mind and used those posts to refresh yourself from the regular stress. The majority of comments of morons are always bogus or fake but you will realize that they will confuse your mind twice, and you will regret yourself for the failure of this life.

Disadvantages of morons –
Spreading communal violence, fake agenda of religion, make sure that you should not mortgage your brain to anyone, it is difficult to find the moron as they are likely to be present in our closed ones.

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