The truth of Society is a blogger platform to reveal the truths of society, as being a part of society it's our responsibility to get socialize the society in a perfect way for the benefit for the people of weaker sections.
In many decades the part of this role was played by media house but in recent time it's hard to find a media houses who are really raising the social issues of discriminated classes like - women, a child abused, exploitation at the workplace, discrimination over racism - caste - nationality and many more.
As an educated person it's our responsibility to raise the voices against this kind of inhuman practices, therefore Truth of Society team will appreciate your efforts if you are interested in raising the voices for them, Truth of Society is giving free space for you, where you can write your thoughts without any restriction.
You can fill the following form for being part of our writer's team, we will contact you soon via email of google dua if you have and inform you regarding your schedule for publishing your article on the website.
Thank you for your response. It will help us to improve in the future.